About Myself

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Hi ! Welcome to my blog on orchids and landscape design. I have been growing various type of orchids along the balcony of my high-rise apartment since 2004. My favorite orchid genus of all times are Bulbophyllum, Onicidium as well as Cattleya alliances. I love bulbophyllum for their exotic form and intricate 'movable lip'. Although I have been growing orchids with little success, due to the lack of sufficient sunlight and low humidity, as well as strong wind which prevail at my growing area, I still try to find the right types of orchids for my flat through trial and error. Occassionally, my orchids have surprised me with unexpected bloom that would make my day! Beside orchids, I also enjoyed strolling in public gardens and parks, and at the same time looking at the landscape design intent. In my blog, I'll be sharing with you, photographs of orchids that I adore and as well as interesting parks that I have ventured. I hope you will enjoy these photos too and please feel free to leave some comments or thoughts. Thank you for viewing my photo blog.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bulbophyllum contortisepalum

Bulbophyllum contortisepalum
J.J.SM. 1912 
Section: Hoplandra

Geographic Distribution: Papua New Guinea.
Elevation/ Temperature: sea level- 1000 m lowland/ hot growing species.
Plant Type: epiphytic.
Growing Habit: sympodial
Cultivation Treatment: mounted.
Flowering Month(s) in Singapore: November, January.
Flowering Period: around 3 days.
Flower Colour: bright yellow with red venation at sepal.
Flower Scent: not scented.
Flower Count: single flower per inflorescence.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bulbophyllum acuminatum

Bulbophyllum acuminatum 'Red'
(Ridl.) Ridl.
Section: Cirrhopetalum

Geographic Distribution: Malaysia, Thailand, Burma and Sumatra.  
Elevation/ Temperature: sea level - 600 m lowland forest/ hot growing species.
Plant Type: epiphytic.
Growing Habit: sympodial
Cultivation Treatment: mounted.
Flowering Month(s) in Singapore: November-December.
Flowering Period: 3 days.
Flower Colour: dull magenta red. 
Flower Scent: not scented.
Flower Count: 10 flowers per inflorescence.
Flowering stages from budding to fully bloom.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

20th WOC Singapore 2011 (Part 5- Native Orchids of Singapore)

.................continued from my previous blog post '20th WOC Singapore 2011 (Part 4- Exotic Orchids)'

This is the last part of my photo blog on 20th WOC Singapore 2011. The WOC organizer have put up a well presented wall panel with detailed write-up and photographs that describe the various native orchids of Singapore.  

The featured orchids are: Arachnis hookeriana, Bulbophyllum blumei, Bulbophyllum medusae, Coelogyne mayeriana, Dendrobium leonis, Grammatophyllum speciosum, Bromheadia alticola, Bulbophyllum clandestinum, Bulbophyllum membranaceum, Bulbophyllum pulchellum, Bulbophyllum singaporeanum, Cymbidium bicolor subsp. pubescens, Cymbidium finlaysonianum, Eulophia spectablis, Liparis ferruginea, Neuwiedia veratrifolia, Plocoglottis javanica, Robiquetia spathulata, Thrixsperum amplexicaule, Bulbophyllum vaginatum, Vanilla griffithii, Arundina graminifolia, Dendrobium crumenatum and Spathoglottis plicata.

Some of these beautiful orchids may either have extincted due to urbanization, or may have been re-discovered and/ or re-introduced back to our trees in the recent years.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

20th WOC Singapore 2011 (Part 4- Exotic Orchids)

..................continued from previous my blog post '20th WOC Singapore 2011 (Part 3- Orchid Parade)'.

More photos of the alluring orchid flowers exhibited during the WOC are as follow:

Bulbophyllum beccarii
Bulbophyllum cootesii (native of Philippines)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

20th WOC Singapore 2011 (Part 3- Orchid Parade)

 ..................continued from my previous blog post '20th WOC Singapore 2011 (Part 2- V.I.P Orchids)'.

During the show, I have taken photographs of many interesting orchid display by various organization. Following is the selected photos that I'll like to share with you:

Plot display by 21st World Orchid Conference Bidding Committee, South Africa
Plot display by Taiwan Orchid Growers Association, Taiwan

20th WOC Singapore 2011 (Part 2- V.I.P Orchids)

..........continued from my previous blog post '20th WOC Singapore 2011 (Part 1- Winners & Show Centrepiece)'.

The following display was put up by Singapore Botanic Garden (SBG) that featured local orchid hybrids named after various V.I.P.

These orchid hybrids were contained in a metallic mesh in the shape of a floral petal.

20th WOC Singapore 2011 (Part 1-Winners & Show Centrepiece)

Theme of 20th WOC 2011
I have attended the 20th World Orchid Conference (WOC) held on November 2011. This memorable orchid show is truly the event of the year, as the last WOC held in Singapore was in 1963 (48 years ago!).  

Unlike the previous Singapore Garden Festival that was held at Suntec Convention Centre, WOC was held at Sands Expo and Convention Centre.This was the first time Sands Expo held a orchid event.

Decorative wall at the entrance to event hall