(Teijsm. & Binn.) J.J.Sm. 1912
Section: Cirrhopetalum
This is my second bulbophyllum putidum that I have taken care since Jan 2010. My first bulb. putidum was featured in my earlier blog post in April 2011.
This orchid was originally planted in a plastic pot filled with perlite and top dressed with a layer of sphagnum moss to retain moisture. The plant has produced 2-3 new pseudo-bulbs over the year (total: 7-8 bulbs). It finally flowered from one of the latest bulb in June 2011.
In term of cultivation, I provided this plant with the same care as per my first bulb. putidum:
1) Sunlight: Bright indirect light.
2) Water: Once daily in the morning and second watering if I am available in the evening.
Perhaps the other bulbophyllum has been kept more on the drier side compared to this plant, as the former orchid is mounted on a small wooden twig.